Top 3 tricks to help your Christmas tree to last longer

Everyone loves the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree when it arrives in the house, so here are some tricks to use to keep your Christmas tree stay fresh and smelling great for longer.

Tip 1 - Trim the base

When you first bring your tree home, cut about an inch off the base of the trunk. This opens up the pores in the wood and allows the tree to absorb water more efficiently, ensuring it stays fresh longer.

Tip 2 - Placement

Keep the tree away from heat sources like radiators, fireplaces, and direct sunlight. Heat can cause the tree to dry out faster, making the needles drop more quickly and increasing the fire risk.

Tip 3 - Water Regularly!

Make sure your tree is always well-watered. A fresh-cut tree can absorb up to a gallon of water in the first 24 hours, and you should check and refill the water daily to keep the tree hydrated, which prevents it from drying out and becoming a fire hazard.